Stolen Elections Have Disastrous Consequences

3 years ago

The disastrous fraudulently sworn in Biden continues his catastrophic and deadly ways. The latest is the Afghanistan debacle where 13 brave heroes of the U.S. military were killed in a suicide bomber attack. Had Biden listened to qualified military and CIA officials about how to deal with the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan this tragedy could have been avoided. Biden allowed the Taliban advances. The Taliban knew it had nothing to fear from Biden so then made their move. Afghanistan was stable when President Trump left office with 2500 members of the military there to keep the peace. President Trump had also warned the Taliban that if they harmed any American or ally they would be obliterated. President Trump's strategy of course worked, as it always does.
And now it is being reported that Biden told the then President of Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani, back in July to create a perception that the Taliban wasn't advancing in Afghanistan after Ghani had told him that they were.
And it has been reported that the Department of Defense had foreknowledge on the Kabul Airport suicide bomber but wouldn't give military permission to launch a predator drone against him once they got a lock on him.
And why did Biden withdraw the military before all Americans were out? It was all about politics. He wanted to supposedly end the war before the 20th anniversary of 9-11 and get credit for it or one thing.
And 85 billion dollars of weaponry was left in Afghanistan, exposing U.S. military secrets and weapons to use against us. They will also get the information to and sell the weaponry to bad actors, including China.
And Biden's incompetence has partially covered up his other disasters at the border and the economy, including the explosion of inflation.
Biden has no concept of dealing with problems and coming up with solutions. He has a political mind and has no concept of dealing with reality with competence and common sense.
Now Biden and his weak team claim thy can trust the Taliban to help them get the remaining Americans out of Afghanistan. THEY ARE TERRORISTS!!! This is madness. The only thing they understand is force. It's impossible to negotiate with terrorists.

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