Labor Day Guest: Big Unions And Big Government Are Having the Time of their Lives Under Joe Biden

3 years ago

National Right to Work Experts Available for Interviews
On and Around Labor Day 2021

RIGHT TO WORK EXPERT: Mark Mix, is President of the National Right to Work Committee which is a 2.8 million-member public policy organization. He also serves as President of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation.

Experts from the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation and the National Right to Work Committee are available to comment on a variety of labor-related issues during and around Labor Day weekend.

The National Right to Work Foundation provides free legal aid to workers victimized by coercive unionism in around 250 active cases each year. The National Right to Work Committee is a 2.8-million-member grassroots lobbying organization dedicated to the principle that all Americans must have the right to join a union if they choose, but no one should ever be forced to affiliate with a union in order to get or keep a job.

Several high-profile topics related to unions and workplace rights are in the news this Labor Day, and Right to Work spokespeople are available to comment on any of the following:

· The “PRO-Act” legislation (more accurately called the Pro Union Boss bill) which has passed the House, is supported by President Biden and is currently pending in the US Senate. Big Labor’s top legislative priority would hand union officials unprecedented new government-granted power over workers, including:

Wiping out all 27 state Right to Work laws by federal fiat, a move that would force millions of additional private sector workers to pay tribute to union bosses or else be fired;
Imposing unionization on workers and business through coercive “card check” drives, allowing union officials to gain power in a workplace without even a secret-ballot vote among workers, or even despite a secret-ballot vote against unionization;
Granting union bosses the power to impose their so-called “representation” on freelance workers, including rideshare drivers, exposing those workers to union bosses’ forced dues demands and ruining the work flexibility many independent contractors enjoy;
Giving government bureaucrats the power to impose forced dues contracts over the objections of both workers and employers by mandating binding arbitration for initial monopoly union contracts.
· The budget-busting partisan “infrastructure” proposal reportedly may include numerous union boss giveaways, including forcing taxpayers to subsidize union boss activities through a union dues “tax credit,” and to subsidize union boss-ordered strike activities.
The proposal is reportedly likely to contain provisions from the “PRO-Act,” including one-sided fines (against employers but not against unions who violate workers’ rights) and letting union bosses force their power on freelance workers.
· How teacher union bosses are wielding their monopoly bargaining power to oppose parents’ and taxpayers’ interests, including by altering CDC guidelines to prolong school shutdowns throughout 2020 and into 2021 that had devastating consequences for schoolchildren throughout the country.
· The Biden Administration’s precedent-shattering war on workers, including his firing of former National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) General Counsel Peter Robb just 23 minutes into his presidency, even though Robb had several months left on his term. Big Labor detested Robb for frequently backing workers who wanted to resist union affiliation. Other early sops to Big Labor by the Biden Administration include:
Biden’s new NLRB GC, Jennifer Abruzzo, is a former CWA union chief who misled Congress when she claimed she had only a minor role in engineering Robb’s ouster. FOIA requests reveal she was half of a two-person team responsible for overseeing the NLRB “transition.”
Biden is also busy stocking both the NLRB and other federal agencies with former union officials, even bending his own “ethics pledge” to do so. In the NLRB former union bosses will now be responsible for adjudicating disputes rank-and-file workers have with other union bosses.
Re-implementing the SEIU Medicaid Dues Skim as the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has already begun rulemaking designed to attempt to justify the deduction of union dues from Medicaid payments despite a clear prohibition against such redirection of Medicaid funds in the law.
· Big Labor’s multi-billion-dollar political war chest, padded with union dues paid by workers who would be fired if they refused to subsidize union activities.
Union officials’ own filings show that in the 2020 cycle they spent billions on politics, including over $1.4 billion from forced dues-funded union general treasuries.
On top of the “PRO Act” and Biden’s constant favors to Big Labor, the effects of this spending can be seen in real time – union officials just showered Democratic Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe with $2.5 million after he reversed stance on Right to Work, now favoring a repeal.
· Union officials’ trampling of workers’ First Amendment rights as recognized in the landmark 2018 Foundation-won Janus v. AFSCME Supreme Court decision has resulted in Foundation staff attorneys litigating dozens of cases for public employees seeking to defend their Janus rights.
Foundation-backed educators from Chicago and New Jersey have petitions currently pending urging the Supreme Court to hear their cases challenging so-called “escape periods,” the spurious restrictions created by union officials to restrict workers’ right to end union dues deductions to periods as small as a few days every few years.
· Other issues involving Big Labor and compulsory unionism including: the economic advantage Right to Work states have, NRTWF legal cases filed for workers to defend and enforce Right to Work laws, the loophole in federal anti-extortion law exempting acts of union violence, and more.

BIO: Mark became President of the Committee and Foundation in 2003. Under the leadership of Mr. Mix, the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation has continued to provide unparalleled free legal assistance to workers and has utilized cutting-edge legal strategies to protect workers from the abuses of compulsory unionism. Mr. Mix frequently appears on national television shows including Fox News Channel’s Your World: With Neil Cavuto, Glenn Beck and Fox & Friends, and has also appeared multiple times on CNBC and CNN. Mr. Mix also often serves as a guest on nationally-syndicated radio shows such as the the Lars Larson Show, Jason Lewis Show, Michael Reagan Show and the Jim Bohannon Show.

Similarly, Mr. Mix’s writings have appeared in national outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, Investor’s Business Daily, Washington Examiner and National Review. His pieces have also been featured in widely-read regional publications across the country including the Detroit Free Press, the Orange County Register and the Detroit News. Mr. Mix is also a sought-after speaker on political technology and grassroots lobbying tactics. He often travels across the country, speaking and training participants in the political process.

Mark Mix holds a BA in Finance from James Madison University and an Associate Degree in Marketing from the State University of New York. Prior to joining the National Right to Work Committee in 1990, Mr. Mix worked for several state-level Right to Work groups. He joined the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation in 1999.




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