Near-Death Experience - Dianne Morrissey - Graham Crackers & Milk

3 years ago


"I was always really fortunate. I came from a wonderful home, had a wonderful childhood. My parents loved me desperately. And their love compared to this woman -- you can't even compare it. When she came, she stood next to me and she extended her hand outward and said, 'look there.' And when I turned my head . . . I watched every second of my life from the moment I was born until the moment I died. And it wasn't just seeing it. I lived it again exactly the way I felt it the first time but with a new sense of intellectual understanding about how I could have done it different, what might have been better. And other things that I cared little about, that I didn't think made an impression on anybody's life at all were very significant. Probably the most important was when I worked at a convalescent hospital in high school after school and I used to give a lady graham crackers and milk before I'd leave the shift. I had no idea how much I had changed her life, how grateful, how appreciative she was. I thought it was so insignificant at that time in the 11th grade, but it wasn't. It was like every spirit looking down and saying, 'Thank you for doing this. This woman had nobody. No one loved her.' "

Related Excerpt:

"Then, my angel showed me a second vision, a scene I'd forgotten. I now saw myself at 17, when I'd worked at a convalescent hospital after school. I had grown fond of a toothless old woman who was no longer able to speak clearly, and who never had visitors. She liked to suck on graham crackers before going to bed, but no one wanted to serve her because when she had finished, she would drool as she kissed the entire length of the arm of the person feeding her. While others avoided her, I willingly fed her the cookies she adored, seeing how happy this made her.

"When that scene was replayed for me, I felt as if every loving spirit in God's kingdom was thanking me in unison. I was amazed that such an act could have meant so much to God -- and to me. I felt humbled and very honored."


Included in:

The Purpose Of Life As Revealed By Near-Death Experiences From Around the World

500 Quotes From Heaven


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