Glowing Animals

3 years ago

GMO Animals That Glow

These animals contain a substance called "luciferin"
that exists also in certain algaes, that once it is met with oxygen, allows the entities to glow.

Luciferin mixed with oxygen creates a

bioluminesent reaction when the energy is released
from the organism as we have seen in the waters that
meets the shore
in certain locations and in certain deep sea animals
aside from just jellyfish.
An actual enzyme called luciferase facilitates this reaction.

What geneticists that works with genetic modification have been doing is taking the
enzyme lucifer*ase
and through a cultivated serum that includes graphene and
nano*technology, they are inserting it into animals in order to make them bioluminesent.

Why is the question because the facts are, to alter any land based biology with foreign
enzymes that are of a deep sea dwelling biologic,
is unconscionable, immoral and by and large,
physiologically malevolent to a species who can never,
ever be restored to its former, divinely given genetic coded D*NA.

These mad scientists who are only interested in playing
God by altering species specific genetic organic material with opposing species specific
genetic encodements and biologics have developed
the capacity to alter
ALL SPECIES from their original state of divine organic homeostasis and genetic essence
with the intentional insertion of luciferase.

This has been done with absolute success with many

species of animals like fish, frogs, lizards, rats, rabbits, kittens, puppies, sheep, pigs,
monkeys and so on.
Mammals who now are genetically altered with luciferin,
permanently, irrevocably, capable of "glowing" under a UV black light in various colors. Green.
Yellow. Pink. Blue. Purple.

Luciferases are enzymes that use a substrate called luciferin,
along with oxygen and ATP, in an energetic
process that produces light—like the yellow glow of fireflies.

The power of luciferase has been harnessed by scientists to devise reactions
whose light output is used to monitor biological processes including gene expression, biomolecular binding, and cell viability.
Measuring luciferase expression using the SpectraMax® Glo Steady-Luc™ Reporter Assay Kit
Dual-Luciferase Reporter (DLR) Assay
Monitor NF-κB activation with a sensitive dual reporter assay
Detect dual luciferase expression
Highly sensitive dual luciferase detection with the SpectraMax® DuoLuc™ Reporter Assay Kit.

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