Dominique De Silva - Pfizer Adverse Reaction

3 years ago

Dominique De Silva

Pfizer 17th March 2021

Severe Adverse Reaction:
Severe brain fog
Short term memory loss
Visual changes
Pain behind the eyes
Cheeks aching/Tingling
Migraine that wouldn’t peak
Heart palpitations
Lack of sensation throughout the body, especially the legs
Feeling out of body
Random bouts of heat/burning sensation in tiny areas of the body
Depth perception is very off visually
Blurry vision
Internal vibration that would wake her up out of her sleep
Tremor in her right hand
Trouble forming sentences
Dystonia / Dystonic storms

Dominique made a decision that has quickly turned her life upside down, the decision to get her COVID-19 vaccine in hopes that she wouldn’t catch or spread the virus to her only living parent or any of her other loved ones.

Directly after receiving her first dose of the Pfizer vaccine, she had felt the typical fatigue. A few days following, she started noticing that she felt a bit off.

Two weeks following her first dose of the Pfizer vaccine, she began noticing that she was having cramping pains in her legs that turned into growing pains late in the evening, it went away for several days but came back with a vengeance. Dominique was rushed to the hospital after 7 days of suffering severe cramping in the legs, trouble walking, numbness/coldness and lightening like sensation in the legs.

While at the ER, 5 separate doctors came in to examine her and find the cause of these abnormal symptoms. It was decided that she would be admitted to the hospital for further testing. After running a full brain and spine MRI along with countless blood tests, the neurologist on duty was unable to find the reasoning behind the issues Dom was having. Several other possibilities were ruled out during this visit, however her symptoms were not treated or resolved and she was told to follow up with a neurologist to further investigate.

After waiting a couple of months to get in with 3 separate neurologists, multiple other symptoms began to emerge. Dominique began isolating herself from her friends and family as she had a very hard time accepting that her life had crumbled right before her eyes. While playing the waiting game for her doctor visits.

As some of these symptoms would come and go, some were with her 24/7. When she was finally able to see the 3 doctors, one of which is a functional neurologist rather than traditional, she was hoping to find more answers to the symptoms that seemed to be piling up. The functional neurologist was able to find several neuro-inflammation markers and diagnose one of the symptoms Dom was having as dystonia/dystonic storms whereas the others were not.

Dominique says she’ll be fighting this until she gets her life back.

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