A Servant's Heart

3 years ago

What does it mean to have a servant’s heart, to have the heart of a servant? Could it mean that you are consistently selfless? Could it mean you are self-sacrificing for the good of others like Jesus did? Saying is not the same as doing. A servant does something about His Words and serves others. Growing forward with an active faith, constantly working for God’s good, and putting other’s interest above yourself, you do become a Servant Warrior, someone actively working toward the good of others. Jesus was a Servant Warrior, He fought in prayer, action, and words to add value to other people’s lives. A servant has a true heart, a heart with pure, selfless motives that energize their actions with deeds of goodness, which deny self, elevating the interests of others higher than their self-interests. The ultimate sacrifice of a servant warrior of God is dying to self wants, so others can have value added to their lives. The “me first mentality” is prevalent in our cultures in times such as these. How do we change it up? It begins with us, one person at a time laying down their right to get, right to win, right to have, right to be right and preferring others over ourselves, serving others with a genuine heart motive, where self-gain is crucified and unconditional love is magnified. A servant warrior of God fights to die to self, to serve a power higher than self, to love God first before self and to live for gain not of this world, but for the Kingdom of God. Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/cservant-warrior/

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