Space Battle of the Reptilians & the Seed Planet | PLR By Laron G. S.

3 years ago

In early August I conducted a hypnosis based past life regression with a client in New Zealand. He wanted answers and healing on a number of different issues, including

• reoccurring dreams since he was a child,
• what the ritual/ceremony a neighbour was performing on him as a child,
• if he was part of a secret space program,
• anxiety and self-esteem issues,

Thanks to the session, he found the answers and healing he was looking for.

This session also touches on the global situation we’re all in. The battle that comes up at the end relates to the consciousness shift going on with humanity and duality taking place with the heavy influence the reptilians have.

The Seed Moon & the Arcturian
My client finds himself on the surface of a moon as a commander of 340 soldiers on a mission. This was a simultaneous life going on at the same time my client had his session with me.

Their group was explained as a misfit, backed by the federation, a collective of many different entities.

The commander meets with an Arcturian that lands nearby—an old friend. (25:04)

It’s explained that organic materials are needed from the moon they are on and this is why the meeting is taking place. A seed bank. The Arcturian teaches the humans about using the seeds.

Draconian & Reptilian Meeting (37:05)
He finds himself on another planet that has a futuristic city and many craft flying around. He’s an observer as pure consciousness watching a meeting taking place with a Draconian at the head of the table, and Reptilians near him.

These beings are discussing the seed planet. They’ve had their access taken away from them and are making plans on how to move forward because it’s impacted their social development.

Reptilian Space Battle (55:49)
At the center of our galaxy, he finds himself observing a battle between many spaceships. I move time back, and then forwards, to find out information about what is taking place.

It’s found out that the Pleiadians are overseeing a talk between two Reptilian ships. There’s a group splitting off from the Reptilians, wanting to go in a more positive direction with their society, but the larger group who does not want to change refuses to accept this and a battle takes place.

Many different ET species join in on both sides. In the end, the good side does win, but just barely. This takes place over thousands of years Earth time, and concludes in about two years from now back on Earth.

“That battle interacts with everything, with everybody. Pretty much all life in space is affected by this battle. It’s a ripple effect for control and manipulation. Freedom depends on the outcome and who’s in control. The freedom for all lifeforms without manipulation.”

Higher Self (1:18:25)
I ask about the three experiences and get some interesting answers.

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To book a session with Laron, contact him on social media and/or through his website

For text summaries and recent fully transcribed regression sessions, see his journal/blog here,

Laron has a full listing of his transcribed past life sessions right here,

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