9/1/21 - Supply Chain Collapse IMMINENT, More VAX Lunacy - Ep. 066

3 years ago

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9/1/21 - Supply Chain Collapse IMMINENT, More Vacks Lunacy - Ep. 066

Timestamp directory -

00:00:00 Intro and opening comments
00:05:45 What’s on the show today
00:10:00 The crazy topsy-turvy world we live in today
00:10:45 Message to the illegitimate regime and all the institutions they control. “Here’s what you can do with your vaccines and mandates and tyranny and lockdowns….”
00:11:50 This regime is a joke. The globalist cabal, China, the World Economic Forum, all the Young Leaders, they’re all in on it.
00:13:00 Why is anybody giving the illegitimate US government any money at this point?
00:13:30 Call for massive peaceful non compliance. “POSSE COMITATUS”
00:14:45 F-Bomb warning, today’s show has about 10,000 F bombs and there will be no apologies about it.
00:15:15 “I’m blowing off steam and it feels good.” The time for politeness is over. These people are already killing us and trying to kill more of us.
00:16:00 Review of ANTIFA’s modus operandi and Jan 6 lies told by the media
00:18:30 California tries to pass vaccine passports on the sly by “gutting and amending” legislation about transportation. Watch this segment to get informed, this is important.
00:28:25 Video - Joe Rogan on freedom, and tyranny rising
00:30:30 Video - Ed Asner (famous actor who played Lou Grant), vaxxed in February, dead in August.
00:35:00 Warning for people who took the spike shots and aren’t already on the life saving protocols: “Get on the protocols!”
00:35:45 Video - Supply chain collapse IMMINENT
00:58:00 Video - CDC director warning that it’s the people who were vaccinated early who have the highest risk of serious disease
01:00:40 Video - Jen Nazi Freudian slip, acknowledges this is a “Global PLANDEMIC”
01:01:20 Video - Woman who got vaxxed showing all the busted blood vessels in her mouth and on her body
01:02:30 Video - Australian truck driver going off about the vax mandates and how pissed he is about it all
01:07:00 The life saving protocols that I wish I could get to everybody who took the shots
01:08:00 Facebook is now warning people that it’s possible to be “too prepared” and that gardening and canning groups might be domestic extremists
01:11:11 Meanwhile in Canada, the propaganda and hate speech directed at the unvaccinated ramps up even more
01:13:00 The real problem with the SARS-Cov2 virus
01:14:00 FACT CHECK - the media is deliberately lying to the public about Ivermectin. FDA approved Ivermectin for humans in 1996
01:15:00 Pre-closing comments
01:17:00 Video - Jeff Barke MD and Mark McDonald MD launch their new website informeddissentmedia.com and new podcast about the intersection of healthcare and politics
01:21:00 Closing comments
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