Magical bird singing

3 years ago

Scientists from the California Polytechnic University concluded that birdsong can significantly improve people’s well-being and make them happy.

Different sounds affect us, our psyche and even our physiology in different ways. For example, there are sounds that can improve mental activity, increase productivity or help us fall asleep quickly after a hard day at work. In the last century, scientists from different countries conducted a study on the effect of songs from different musical genres on the snowflake pattern. When classical sounds were directed at it, it was flat and symmetrical in shape. When they took another snowflake and turned on rock, it changed its shape to something incomprehensible. Another experiment showed that with the sound of calm classical music in the field, wheat gave the best harvest, and with the sound of heavy rock the plants didn’t develop at all. From this it follows that sound waves really can affect many things in our lives. But have you ever paid attention to the emotions you begin to feel when birds sing? Those sound waves they make also affect us. Scientists at California Polytechnic University have proven this.

In the process of evolution, we subconsciously associate birdsong with feelings of happiness, tranquility and peace. When sound waves in the form of birdsong reach our auricles, the cerebral cortex is excited, and our entire body is completely dependent on its work and what signals it sends to other parts of our body. We could say that all human activity depends on the work and response of the cerebral cortex. It’s no secret that people who spend a lot of time in nature or live somewhere in the countryside are usually long-livers. Of course, many factors influence life expectancy. Birdsong is on the list of those criteria that increase longevity. Their singing calms the nervous system. It’s able to adjust the cardiovascular system. Many people like canaries. The steady rhythm inherent in their singing can have a positive effect on the heart and restore the heart rhythm. The singing of nightingales will cheer you up and lift your spirits, and the singing of siskins will calm you down and help you fall asleep.

Sit comfortably in your favorite chair. Turn on the player. Relax and plunge into the magical world of sounds.

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