The only way OUT is IN

3 years ago

You know more then You understand
You understand more then you know
Let the Wind howl through your soul
Let the Wind scatter the SEED you sew
Behold now
Without Father
Without Mother
Without Genealogy
Hollowed be the beginnings the days or end of life

The Only Way OUT is IN
Why has thou disturbed my rest
That I should be brought up
in slumber you will awaken
In sleep your eyes will open
Seek the key in front of you

The only way out is in

Th words of the Prophet are written on the subway walls

#TheFortress #The13thEvent #Cicada3301 #SevensExposed #RedTriangle #RememberThePast #RememberTheFuture #PreCOG #TheOnlyWayOutIsIn #EmergenceIsComing

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