#27 | Healing is Voltage + Body a Battery + From Sick Care to Wellness & Longevity! | Scott Tennant

3 years ago

I have the true pleasure to be here today with Scott Tennant. He is a CEO, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist and Angel Investor. With the #TennantInstitute for Integrative Medicine and the #Senergy Medical Group, he together with his father Dr. Jerry Tennant - the author of ‘#HealingisVoltage - they have and are pioneering healthcare from sick care to wellness, rejuvenation and longevity.

We talk about:
- his fathers health challenge leading to breakthrough discoveries
- how Scott starting working with his father at a young age
- how health is related to frequency & voltage
- why emotions, feelings, trauma can you make you ill
- why it's not about a pill but looking for root causes and patterns
- how witnessing patients seeing again inspired him to his career
- being a detective recognising patterns in patients
- why your body requires adequate voltage to make new cells and heal
- how pH is related to voltage
- why chronic disease is associated with loss of voltage
- how to measure voltage and keep it at optimal levels
- why the body is a battery
- the optimal voltage levels in your cells for health and wellbeing
- the voltage levels for degeneration and cancer
- the main voltage stealers and voltage donors
- rife technology and frequencies neutralizing virus
- the huge importance of teeth on health
- the difference between disease and health
- food choice and preparation affection the voltage
- Meridian energy device, voltage meter to measure overall body voltage
- How to charge and reset your autonomic nervous system
- how to add and hold voltage
- How to change the healthcare system from the outside
- Why patient empowerment is key
- Why he trains his patients to ask questions
- Why its elementary to listen to the patient and ask questions
- Why good wellness care leads to less sickness
- His success secrets & the power of possibility
- How his family always backed him up
- Why his life is about learning and teaching & we are all just here to help
- Why its ok to dont know how to do sth and ask for help
- The importance of encouragement:
- The power of mind: “Why not me!”
- Why it takes the heat off it you dont make it about yourself but help others
- His philanthropic initiative with Helen Keller and American Foundation for the Blind
- Reframing disability - there are not limits
- Why blind and deaf people dont necessarily need help, are very capable and can see more than us!
- Why he hates the word dis-abilities, better different abilities

► About Scott Tennant:
FB: www.fb.me/scott.tennant.56614/
FB: www.fb.me/ScottETennant
IG: @scottetennant

► Further Resources:
afb.org/HKfilm (American Foundation for the Blind – AFB, Helen Keller Documentary fundraising page) View the trailer (audio described) with the link inside of the paragraph in blue.

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