Communist Indoctrination in Public Schools

3 years ago

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Guest: Holly Swanson – is a leading authority on the undisclosed political agenda of the environmental movement. Swanson is know for exposing how environmental education is being used to politically indoctrinate American children, future voters, to revolutionary communist beliefs and goals.

The public school system is being used by the radical leftist for political indoctrination, training young Marxist and brainwashing kids into the communist green agenda.
Other than openly stolen elections and cognitive dissonance of monumental proportions, how did this radical conversion of America occur, and why have we let the failed ideas of Marxist apparatchiks dominate our political discourse, influence our decision makers, control the mainstream media, and brainwash the educators? If you think somehow this has happened as a consequence of an era of intellectual enlightenment you are obviously ready to be vaccinated.

Progressive socialists, aka cultural Marxists, have controlled the mainstream media and academia for many decades and have been promoting the most anti-constitutional radical Marxist agenda imaginable where it hits us the hardest; by indoctrinating our youth. Across America, K-12 schools have become propaganda incubators for the most radical Marxist programs, as America's teachers colleges became dominated by Frankfurt School trained ideologues.

The green new deal, Agenda 21, and other programs all mesh into the idea of educating our youth to become global citizens instead of Americans, and to embrace Marxism in educational philosophy and hate capitalism, destroying the united states of America.

Holly’s books, Training for Treason and Set up and Sold Out – Find Out What Green Really Means, are really exceptional works.

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