3 years ago

The sexual madness rampant in government schools and throughout society has been pushed by the Marxists to gain control. The Marxists know that those enslaved by sexual perversion are much easier to control and thus it is strategy by Marxists to corrupt society, starting with the very young, with sexual perversion.
Young people are brainwashed into thinking they are "gay" or transgender as an effort to get God out of the picture and wreck the family, the foundation of society. The Marxists know that if the family is destroyed that they will have free reign. It's why they go after religion as well. Marxists want to get rid of all Christian values in society and thus destroy the moral fabric, which they know weakens the people and thus makes them ripe for takeover.
The gender ideology madness is also about control and getting rid of God. To the Marxists, they can have it be that "God made them male and female." They hate Biblical principles and society being shaped by them. It's why they so hate religions, especially the Catholic Church. Marxists have infiltrated the Catholic Church and have been a major force in watering it down to a point where Catholic moral values aren't much taught by the Catholic Church anymore. The true Catholic Church is a great threat to the Marxists.
The sexual perversion of society on so many fronts it all about bringing down the country from within. It is working as planned. It must be stopped by fighting the Marxists and getting back to Biblical Teachings and traditional family values.

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