"FOUR" Part 4 | Tullian Tchividjian

3 years ago

We love to believe that we are better than we are, stronger than we are, more spiritual and faithful than we are. We feel more valuable and important if we can convince ourselves of these things.

But this overinflated view of ourselves is actually enslaving.


What happens when the giants we face always seem to win: when we can’t overcome the addiction for more than a week, when we can’t seem to beat our anger problem, when no matter how hard we try, we can’t seem to tame our tongue, or get past our anxiety, or escape our fears?

What happens when no amount of positive thinking can overcome the giant of guilt and shame you feel down deep? Have you ever tried to strong arm yourself out of a depression? Have you ever tried to talk yourself out of your insecurities? How did that work?
Real slavery in the Bible is self-reliance…and the only thing that can set us free from the bondage of relying on ourselves is coming face to face with our own deficiencies.

This means that weakness is your best friend when you know it. After all, true freedom involves two confessions: “I can’t” and "God can."

We hope this message from 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 encourages you.

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