Bitcoin (BTC) Cryptocurrency Price Prediction, Forecast, and Technical Analysis - Sept 01, 2021

3 years ago
Monthly 1 oz. Silver giveaway for every 20 Patreon contributors!
No changes from yesterday's (August 31st) analysis.
($500/3-box P&F Chart)
Buy Stop @ $50,000
Stop Loss @ $48,000
Profit Target @ $54,000

($1,000/3-box P&F Chart)
Short @ 3-box Reversal on $1,000/3-box P&F chart.
($46k at the time of recording)
Profit Targets @ $40k (all hail the God-Emperor of Mankin) and $37.5k
Stop Loss is one box above the 3-box reversal.
Dollar-Cost Averaging
Buy Limit @ $31,088
Buy Limit @ $23,681
Buy Limit @ $16,455

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