Soothing sounds of a waterfall

3 years ago

Scientists have long noticed that the noise of a waterfall has a calming effect on the human psyche. For example, Khon in Laos is the quietest, so its sound is considered the most favorable for sick people. If the patient's financial capabilities allow, doctors recommend visiting Khon, if not, let you listen to the calming sound of a waterfall on a disk.

During treatment, the sound of not only this, but also the other most famous waterfalls of the planet is used, and the noise of a waterfall can be completely different - from gentle babbling to thunderous rumblings.

For example, the noise of Niagara during the day can be heard at a distance of two kilometers, and at night, when audibility improves, up to seven. Interestingly, not only people, but also representatives of the animal world use thunderous rumblings in their interests: the noise of the waterfall is also a guide for birds during migrations.

On the Mekong in the southern part of Laos, between Laos and Cambodia, there is the famous Khon waterfall. It would be more correct to say that this is a whole complex of different levels of waterfalls and rapids. Khon is famous for being the widest waterfall on the planet - its total width, including the islands, is 10 km. More than nine billion liters of water are poured here every second. Its height is about 21 meters. Named after its discoverer E. Khohan, the waterfall is considered one of the most beautiful and most peaceful on the planet. It is recognized as a national treasure.

Seeing a waterfall in person is something. It's breathtaking, it's overwhelming. A huge stream of water rushes down at great speed. A mesmerizing sight. The air, although humid, is not heavy, and the sound, indeed, has some magical effect. Real relaxation. Unfortunately, I don’t have a recording of the noise of Khon Falls. But you have the opportunity to enjoy the sounds of other waterfalls in in Laos.
Listen! Enjoy. Be healthy!

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