Bible Prophecy Fulfilled in Afghanistan

3 years ago

[00:30] Herbert W. Armstrong Was Right (22 minutes)

Herbert W. Armstrong prophesied after World War II that America had “won its last war.” His forecast has proved true! Yesterday, the United States completed its humiliating evacuation from Afghanistan and effectively lost the war against terrorism.

[22:32] Never Leave an American Behind (11 minutes)

Two weeks ago, Joe Biden told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that the military would “stay to get them all out,” speaking of Americans trapped in Afghanistan. He also promised the Taliban America would be gone by August 31. In the end, he only kept one of his promises—the one made to the Taliban.

[33:20] The U.S. Knew the Abbey Gate Bombing Was Coming (21 minutes)

Yesterday, Politico revealed that the U.S. military knew the suicide bombing at the Abbey Gate was coming. They let it happen anyway, costing the lives of nearly 200 people, including 13 U.S. servicemen.

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