Political Doctrine Special guest Raul Hevia from People's Rights

3 years ago

talking about face diapers and the other 50% of us who do not drink the cool aid. with the state's assistant to people's rights Raul Hevia.
imagine you're at Harmons like i was and all you want is a chicken deal. next thing you know there is a mob of employees around you. they are harassing you, asking you to leave, banning you for life, trying to take your picture without your consent to post it on the wall of shame. And all you want is a piece of chicken! My G man are we in China? And all because you won't wear a face diaper. What do you do? Imagine if you could call your own swarm of friends to come immediately and help you out. for a peaceful protest. Well even though mandates are momentarily out they will be back believe me. Just read the news.
My friend Rahul H got banned from fb, but he has been fighting. and he is the state assistant for this group where if this ever happens to you, you can make a quick text and have dozens of people show up for a peaceful protest to stand between you and your accusers. Raul and I used to fight Common Core a few years back, now he is fighting for your rights. Listen to the podcast where he explains the group and how to join. It's free, no cost, just don't give away your freedom because they swarm you.

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