Conversation with Colin: being deceptive, dark ones can appear caring, seductive, vulnerable.

3 years ago

This is our weekly chat with my teacher Colin Joe Byrne. In Colin's own words:

I suppose most of us normies will struggle to understand the minds and emotions of the fallen ones.
I was briefed on them in several conversations I had with aiazmir and once was taken to the dungeon, a cave where they are kept when they are captured. The stench was unbearable but it heightened my ability to smell a rat.
Because of their abilities to deceive, they can come across as charming, personable, intelligent, seductive, likable, and even vulnerable, but it is an act to achieve their goals. They have flawed personalities.
They are obsessive, compulsive, sadistic, masochistic, active, goal-driven, and have an insatiable hunger for power and money. Does this sound a bit like our political leaders?
They have ruled this planet for a long time and know that the "game is up" but they won't surrender.
They want to go out in a blaze of glory hoping their legacy of infamy will last forever which it will as the annuls of the history of our planet will be filled with their evil deeds.
They have tried to pull off a number of false flags, and even a nuclear disaster.
Their latest concoction will prove to be a dismal failure and they are going to attempt a mass suicide that happens in many cults of evil. Ending one's life here is just a closure of a chapter of a book.
They are depending on the astral realms to sustain them after they die here, which it will but they will have to find some other happy hunting grounds to vampire off but we, at least will be rid of them.
It is not going to be pretty or easy to live through but our values and standards will sustain us as a collective so we can congregate again on New Earth.

Colin's awakening experience:
In 2003, while living in Cape Town, he had a multi-dimensional being appear to him who told him that he was sent to teach, train and mentor him. After three years of training, Colin volunteered to be one of a large number of people who were doing grid work (working with energy along leylines) all over the Earth. It is a requirement for gridkeepers to lead a quiet, cloistered and isolated lifestyle to be most effective and away from any severe exposure to electro-magnetic fields.
In 2014, he was told that the grid work had been successful and that he should then explain to the world what he had learnt. He then started posting this information on social media and collected and collated his posts on a website.

Colin's Writings :

Education Online Mechanics of Bio-Energetics and Spirituality

Colin's Facebook Profile:

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About the Host:
Hamid (alchemist mystique) is a Life Coach who works with the awakening masses to get them to discover their hidden treasures by guiding them through deep transformational journeys. Hamid knows that every single human being can be massively powerful if only they had access to their own often latent internal guidance system. Hamid has empowered many people to change their life drastically. Through simple conversations Hamid has been able to shed light and create hope in difficult situations. Hamid is an aikido black belt and a trained Daka who has been practicing improv theater for a decade. Over the years in his extensive spiritual studies, Hamid has studied the teachings of Carlos Castaneda, Druvnalo Melchidazek, Juliet and Jiva Carter, Colin Joe Byrne among many others. Hamid holds a BSc in Computer Science from University of Toronto.

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