FCI Dog dance World Championship 2016 – Freestyle final - Lusy Imbergerova and Deril (Italy)

3 years ago

Final rating: 2nd place (category: Freestyle)

The 2016 FCI Dog Dance World Championship was held in Moscow, Russia from 23 to 26 June 2016. Participants competed in two categories: freestyle and heels to music. This exercise was shown in the freestyle finals where only the top ten competitors competed.

The freestyle program showcases the dog and handler in a creative, innovative and original way, using music and intricate movements to demonstrate teamwork, artistry, athleticism and style in interpreting the theme of the music.

Working with heels to music (HTM):
The HTM program should be performed with the dog and handler in close proximity to each other throughout the exercise. In all movements, the dog and handler team should move as one unit throughout the exercise, demonstrating heel work and creativity in many positions and behaviors in HTM.

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