Hordes of Motown greats begged Lee Canady to be their manager

3 years ago

The two most-trusted words in Motown: Lee Canady

People sought Lee's taste in music
People copped Lee's taste in wares
People played because Lee said they were O.K.
Hear this & more from Lee's life this day

"The used key is always bright."
— Benjamin Franklin: Poor Richard's Almanack

"Those that feel can best judge."
— Benjamin Franklin: Examination of Dr. Benjamin Franklin in the House of Commons - 1766

Lee exuded what Motown chased


You will remember Lee Canady comes into a story with a retinue of names, and he puts on a grand show. This will be a great program to watch in full.


Elvis & Frank Sinatra & The Beatles feature in the fuller-length edit of this insupposably ample interview (there the wares copping comes into focus with Lee's Playboy Glasses as well as the advice and influence on what music went out).

Most of Motown's finest, from Berry Gordy on down to star singers and hit groups, came to Lee's Monroe Music to kiss the ring of the Legendary Lee Canady.


Saturday, August 14th, 2021 :— Detroit Street Photography Session number 224 :— “Lee Canady: Motown Magnate Magnet” :—:— What made Berry Gordy approach Lee instead of Lee's boss? Whatever that energy and vibe was, Lee had enough to enrapture every influencer that entered his aura. :—:— As much as the video clips of named stars tantalizes the eyes, I plan to use Lee's personal copies of photographs and awards and articles and other ephemera to fill out this documentary was fully filmed and ordered and edited.

Hey, if you favor raconteurs, meet the veriest best raconteur:


#Detroit #Meme #History #Music #Motown


View two Christians volley hymns volant into the very frigid air of autumnal Eastern Market in Detroit:


Live vicariously through my lens on Leap Day 2020:


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If you want to be considered as a true fan, drop a comment below, giving your name and town and the kind of reaction you had to this program. Share your love for the Legendary Lee Canady with all your family and friends.

Thank you for watching this short and sweet, Lee Canady, name-dropping, mind-of-Motown masterpiece. Be at once Good & True & Beautiful (somehow). I will pray for America. Please pray for me. God Bless you.


Hordes of Motown greats begged Lee Canady to be their manager

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