Aloe arborescens (Asphodeloideae) planta Babosa, 60fps

3 years ago

Aloe arborescens (Xanthorrhoeaceae - Asphodeloideae - Asphodelaceae) krantz aloe, candelabra aloe, Torch, Tree Aloe, Babosa, Aloe do Natal, Aloé, Aloé-candelabro, Babosa-de-arbusto, Caraguatá, Caraguatá-de-jardim, Erva-babosa, Erva-de-azebra

[en] flowering succulent perennial plant that belongs to the Aloe genus, which it shares with the well known and studied Aloe vera. This species is also relatively popular among gardeners

is a fast and efficient option for the treatment of burns, skin irritations and abrasions, so without considering all your other therapeutic and cosmetic properties. She is regarded as rich in active ingredients as their "press" Aloe vera, aloe-medicinal.

Caution: aloe can be allergenic to some people and their intake is not recommended without medical supervision.

original videos filmings, 3D modelings, arts animations created and directed by Diego da Cruz Pereira © DiegoDCvids

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