Sports Fans Watch Out! Self Defense 101 - Target Focus Training - Tim Larkin - Awareness

3 years ago

Hey Everybody!

Tim Larkin here. Football season is back! You guys have already decided that I need to evaluate two different fights at sporting events. So I'm going to show two of them, one at a Rams game, and another at a Steeler's game. One thing that is pretty apparent, especially here in Las Vegas, is that security is poorly staffed at these events. Perhaps because of the stimulus checks. Either way, there just aren't the same staffing levels for security.

What I want you to see in the first video is what ineffective striking looks like. Pure energy like the Tazmanian Devil, but was totally ineffective. For all of that action, nothing actually happened. Nothing effective.

In the 2nd video, the Steelers game, there is actually something to learn. People make a huge mistake by assuming that how things normally work in her world, that it will work in antisocial aggression situations. Luckily other people got them to stop fighting before anything serious happened.

Nothing that we saw here was a commitment to do real harm. It was all antisocial aggression and "man dancing". None of it was justified. If you're at events like this, just walk away and get out of there.

00:00 Introduction
01:32 Incident At A Rams Game
02:39 Tazmanian Devil Winds Up
03:30 Tazmanian Devil Can Walk Away
04:07 Incident At A Steeler's Game
05:38 Woman Initiates The Assault
06:41 What Can We Learn From This?
08:43 In Closing & Please Subscribe

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Target Focus Training - Tim Larkin - Awareness - Self Protection - Self Defense - Martial Arts

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