Sphynx Cat Health: A Hairy and Hairless Situation

3 years ago

In 1966, a random genetic mutation led to the birth of Prune, a hairless kitten that would ultimately lead to birth of many, many more of its kind.

Tune in for a unique episode on Sphynx cats, and discover:

What to know about the fatal heart disease called HCM, why Sphynx cats are particularly prone to developing it, and how to screen and/or test for it
Why a higher metabolism can actually be connected to higher rates of obesity in Sphynx cats
Whether a Sphynx cat is actually a hypoallergenic solution for those with a cat allergy
Common and quirky behaviors of Sphynx cats

Many would say that the certified veterinary technician (CVT) is the veterinary equivalent of the registered nurse (RN); both are tasked with the majority of hands-on patient care, both need good bedside manner, and both can offer insights that a doctor might not.

Since 2013, Kelsey Nightingale, CVT has fulfilled just that role in small animal general practice. She’s also an excellent source on all things Sphynx—the breed of cat that’s perhaps best known for its hairlessness. But there are so many other things that owners should know about them, at least one of which is a matter of life and death.

Tune in to learn about the prevalence, detection, and treatment of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), hygiene tips, common personality traits, and more.

Visit https://tica.org/ and https://cfa.org/ to learn more, and find information about a new genetic test for HCM in Sphynx cats at https://cvm.ncsu.edu/nc-state-vet-hospital/small-animal/genetics/submit-dna-testing/.

Episode also available on Apple Podcasts: apple.co/30PvU9C

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