Awakening: Being Awake to the Lies and Deception is NOT Easy, But We Must Keep Going

3 years ago

✨✨✨✨When I woke up about to work out this AM .... all of a sudden boom 💥 I needed to do this video - THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE !!!!!!

Being AWAKE is not easy but we can do it!!!!!

Being awake for many, many years has been very, very difficult.

I can't even imagine what it would be like to just have woken up last year in 2020, that would be... WOW, no words. Couldn't imagine what that would feel like as the apocalypse is here and that word means UNVEILING (the root of this word is Greek).

But, if you're like me and you've been awake to the inversion of truth and where we currently sit in the third dimension and ready for capturing the wave of the new fifth dimension energetic frequencies, then this video is for you.

I am calling out to ALL Light Warriors!

Light Warriors, you are the Rainbow Warriors of the Hopi Prophecy, we are the wayshowers!

I run Rise Up In Truth, and this is my Awakening story + motivation as to why WE MUST KEEP GOING, WE MUST NOT GIVE UP!

If people think you're mad, think you're crazy-- GOOD! Let them! Just keep going, keep telling and speaking truth!

Even if just ONE MORE person wakes up because they heard you or saw your writing.... that's one more person that doesn't fall victim to the pain the evil factions are creating.

We are powerful, we are magickal... we rise and stand in our power when we BAN everything that is harming us. When we say NO MORE. That is how we are warriors today!

Light wins, TRUTH always seeps through.

Do not give up, keep ACTIVATING!
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