Fall Feast of the Lord Episode 8 Yom Teruah is almost here.

3 years ago

Today I continue on in the mention the Feast, the First Feast on God's Calendar for the Fall which will be on or about Sept 9th. We go over why I believe that in the future this will be the Feast that the 2nd Coming of Jesus will occur. I also go over why it is important to get your feet shod in the Word now and take on the mind of Yeshua as stated in Phillipians. ( If I have errors in my recordings, rejoice! You simply know that I am a weak vessel sounding His alarm not on my own strength but His. Nothing is rehearsed, I take it as it comes through the Ruach. I'm also not so hubris as to erase my mistakes, quite frankly, I want you to hear them because God can use anybody to spread the truth friends.) We are in a time when we are seeing the outskirts of the tribulation (my belief, I say "outskirts" because we have hints towards it especially in the last year) and it's time for the pew sitters to move on from their Pew sitting, morning quiet times, and actively into the Order of the Priesthood provided and exampled to us by our High Priest, Yeshua. (that's another speech for another day.) Shalom

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