The Anointing and Your Faith | Pastor Phillip H Jackson

3 years ago

The Anointing + Your Faith - Pastor Phillip H Jackson

Believing the Word of God will set us free and cause miraculous things to happen in our lives.

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Philippians 2:5-9
Matthew 3:15-17
Acts 10:38
Luke 4:14-19
I John 3:8, Luke 3:22
Mark 5:25-34

When Jesus left heaven to come to earth to redeem mankind, He separated Himself from all His Godly Powers. Jesus had to yield Himself to death; there was no way for His physical body to die, because He was not born under the curse.

From Jesus’ birth until His baptism at the Jordan River, Jesus was God’s Son. Before His baptism by John, Jesus never did any healings or miracles. The healings and miracles started at the point of re-connection at His baptism. Studying this truth will build confidence in the completed work of the Lord Jesus Christ.

It is a tragedy to believe our ideas instead of what the Word of God says. Believing the Word of God will set us free and cause miraculous things to happen in our lives.

The source of all sickness and disease is from Satan. Sickness and disease did not happen until after the fall of Adam. When Adam sinned, he became mortal -- subject to death. Jesus was not mortal. Jesus had to submit to death in order to die. The destroying force of sickness and disease is by the Anointing, which is equal to the Power of God.

The Father anointed Jesus. This same Anointing has been passed onto the Body of Christ. The individual Anointing is strong. However, collective faith and the collective Anointing is greater than an individual’s Anointing.

The devil did not know he was walking right into the plan of God (I Corinthians 2:8). While Jesus walked the earth, the devil only had to contend with Jesus and the Anointing. Now the devil has to contend with the Body of Christ and that very same Anointing. The Power of God, equal to the Anointing, is present today to do exactly what it did during the ministry of Jesus when He walked the earth. Now that Anointing has been transferred to the Body of Christ. The mandate is still the same...destroy and break the yoke of bondage.

At the resurrection of Jesus, God began dealing with man under the dispensation of Grace.
The more we acknowledge what we know, the more solid it becomes in our belief system, building confidence in God, in His Word, and in His Plan.

We need to identify the difference between the Old Covenant and the dispensation of Grace. In the Old Covenant, God struck a person with leprosy. God is not doing this today during the dispensation of Grace.

The woman with the issue of blood put her faith into action by hearing, believing, saying what she believed, and acting on what she believed and said. She knew she was healed before Jesus said anything or did anything (Mark 5:29). The Anointing was in Jesus’ garment. The woman had confidence in the Anointing in Jesus’ garment.

Keeping the switch of faith turned on is our responsibility. Even, in the midst of the crowds and the threat of stoning, the woman with the issue of blood let her faith (what she believed and said) lead her. She brought her faith to the Anointing that was in Jesus’ garment. Jesus said it was her faith in the Anointing that made her whole.

When the Anointing is present, and we bring our faith, the Anointing works every time.

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