Culture is canceled by Comedy Central, and an episode of 'The Office' is removed from the schedule.

3 years ago

Culture is canceled by Comedy Central, and an episode of 'The Office' is removed from the schedule.
Culture is canceled by Comedy Central, and an episode of ‘The Office’ is removed from the schedule.
The Office, a long-running NBC comedy, is the most recent comedy series to succumb to the cancellation culture.
That’s because viewers familiar with one of America’s favorite mockumentaries noted that the show’s “Diversity Day” episode was missing from a recent Comedy Central Sunday marathon.
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The politically incorrect episode, ironically, mocks today’s corporate “diversity and inclusion” initiatives.
Michael Scott (Steve Carell), an impetuous and chronic jester, forces his paper company employees to attend a racial diversity lecture when, in fact, it is his behavior that demands the training.
During the session, he speaks with an exaggerated Indian accent and performs a parody of Chris Rock’s famous stand-up performance about various types of black people.

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