Confirmed! Hypersonic BLIMPs and Ground to Space Lasers - UFO and Space Topics - OT Chan Live-439

3 years ago

#UAP #UAPS #offworldcraft #aliens #aliens #fraudchannels
#UFOLOGY #AfieldofLies #misinformation #disinformation

Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

[00:00] (1) Gen Chat
[09:05] (2) John E Macks - Death - was he the only Mack to die that Day?
Paul shows how to find out with research tools for deaths and shows the problems
with limitations too!
[51:39] (3) Showtime UFO 4 part series reviewed! (Ep3 claims)
[53:19] (3a) Dotty and Paul Bennewitz
[55:52] (3b) Ground Laser (with reference to...
[01:01:04] Ben Hansens UFO show witnessing a Laser being fired from Dougway UTAH Proven Ground)
[01:05:29] (3c) Hypersonic BLIMPs - Paul suggested this was what some sightings
were and maybe the mothership of Japanese Pilot over Alaska?
[01:08:00] (3d) What is supersonic and hypersonic Speeds? Paul finds out
hypersonic is Mach 5 or greater. Why no Sonic Boom? Prob bubble vortex in front?
[01:17:00] How would it cloak? OLEDS on meta material surface? Paul looks up
flexible LCDs been out since 2007. Is this why its called Dark Sky Station?
[01:19:00] V design - one design and the floating edge of space Station
search for additional info on this Dark Sky Station!
[01:29:00] JAP1628 japanese flight UFO mothership - could it of been Dark Sky Station
or a BLIMP they saw not Aliens?
[01:44:00] Comparison to Cloudbase from Captain Scarlet TV series of the 60-70s
[02:02:00] Other experiment Planes and leaks found on google. Is this the TR3b or
Auroa secret space-plane?
[02:10:14] (4) Thirdphaseofmoon Alleged UFOs analyzed
[02:15:20] (4a) Letter O Balloon over exposed by camera or UAP?
[02:20:45] (4b) Not same UAP but looking like a LED Kite making ring circle!
[02:24:15] (4c) Birds in clouds or Drone Fleet?
[02:40:48] (4d) Crows circling a Advertising Balloon

Wrap up for the night.

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Thanks to the Following

Paul S. (Music)
Free Music Archive (creative commons music)
sometimes other tunes or a mix of 2

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