What I Do Before Reporting In For Shift [Day or Night]

3 years ago

What I do before reporting in for shift, day or night.


What I do before reporting in for shift is what can shape how I will react to whatever happens during shift.

**Additional important gear**:
Boots: https://amzn.to/2TYGda4
Tactical (pocket) Flashlight: https://amzn.to/2TWeLK0
Field Tourniquet: https://amzn.to/3qj9acT
Tactical Water Bottle: https://amzn.to/3zOIViv

For the early part of my career, particularly on day shift, I would just roll out of bed, eat breakfast, shower, shave, brush teeth, put the uniform on and head into work. MISTAKE!

Night shift I would go to the gym prior to shift but that was the only real extra thing.

I learned the importance of having a routine for the sake of our mindset. Seems pointless, but watch this video and you will see two things I do not do before reporting in.

For the book Twisted But True: https://www.amazon.com/Twisted-But-True-Darren-Burch/dp/1635680816

The two coffee mugs were to two different podcasts.
1) Get Work Life Balance: https://donniehutchinson.com/get-balanced/
2) Donut Shop Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/donut-shop-podcast/id1528019450

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