3 years ago

Australia BEWARE! You may or may not know that you have been lied to by your federal and state government public health officials and premiers.In this video watch as Dr McNaulty finally state that the people that have died in the last 530 days of COVID, died with COVID not from COVID, old people are more at risk of dying! There have been only 30 deaths in people under 60 that have COVID on DEATH certificates in Australia with a 99.94% recovery rate! This is a statement that should make you STOP believing in a Pandemic of COVID and wake you up to realising this has been a PANDEMIC of LIES.
Watch NSW premier brag about forced and coercive measures being used against her own citizens to have them accept a FAILED vaccine to GET THEIR GOD GIVEN FREEDOMS back and how she intends to create a minority of people forced into poverty and despair for not accepting a FAILED VACCINE. Case numbers dont matter anymore, and 100 ICU + Ventilator patients are now acceptable for the government. Case numbers have been used to strip you of your rights, force you out of your job and bankrupt thousands of businesses. This is DECEPTION and now your freedoms depend on a FAILED vaccine. Watch the Israeli PM urgently asking his citizens to accept a BOOSTER shot and Rochelle Walensky of the CDC urgently advising 160 million Americans that they need a BOOSTER shot. THE VACCINE HAS FAILED THERE AND WILL FAIL HERE IN AUSTRALIA!!

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