Robert Kennedy says FDA SKIPPED STEPS for APPROVAL

3 years ago

Robert Kennedy says FDA SKIPPED STEPS for APPROVAL

FDA Sued Over Nakedly Fraudulent Pfizer Co*vid Va**ine “Approval”

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) recent decision to “fully approve” the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” from Pfizer was “premature, arbitrary, and capricious,” says Children’s Health Defense (CHD), which is now filing a legal challenge against the corrupt federal agency.

On August 23, the FDA decided to approve Comirnaty, a rebranded version of the Pfizer-BioNTech injection that previously had emergency use authorization (EUA), for individuals 16 years of age and older. The old version of the jab can still be administered to people between the ages of 12-16 under EUA.

Immediately following the FDA decision, CHD announced plans to sue the federal agency for putting pharmaceutical interests over the best interests of Americans, who increasingly face bodily assault from the medical fascists who want them forcibly penetrated with mRNA needles.

“With over 13,000 reported deaths from COVID shots, we are deeply concerned about the impact on health, both short- and long-term,” stated CHD President Mary Holland.

“We intend to challenge this approval and licensure.
We do not believe that this approval will significantly affect the trajectory of the pandemic,
as we know that these shots are less than 50% effective against the variant in circulation now.”

Covid vaccines are causing a public health disaster
In the entire 30-year history of the federal government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), there has never been a class of injections more deadly than Fauci Flu shots. According to the latest official figures, which are likely on the low end, more than 13,000 people in the United States alone have died as a result of the jabs.

With that said, it is astounding that the FDA would rush into approving Pfizer’s version, which will probably soon be followed by approval of the others. Does the FDA not care about human life?

As it turns out, the FDA could not care less about it. In fact, the agency has yet to even address the elephant in the room, which is resulting in untold thousands of people taking the jab and suffering serious adverse events as a consequence.

Current VAERS data shows that nearly 600,000 people in the U.S. have suffered some kind of adverse event following their injections. Since the system relies on self-reporting, there are likely many more cases out there that have not been officially logged.

What this means is that the Chinese Virus injections being administered under “Operation Warp Speed” are the true pandemic. Anyone who takes the shots is a serious public health threat, not only to themselves but also to others onto whom they are “shedding” spike proteins and other disease-causing substances.

“While the U.S. government has said it will begin booster doses of mRNA vaccines the week of September 20, there is actually no evidence that Covid-19 boosters will provide increased protection against infection, or that they are effective against the delta variant or other new variants,” warns Dr. Meryl Nass, M.D., an internal medicine physician and vaccine expert, about the next phase of the plandemic.

“For other vaccines, such as mumps and pertussis, there is no evidence that booster doses after the initial course add measurable protection.”

Booster shots or not, CHD is vehemently opposed to any and all vaccine “mandates” as a matter of principle.
By awarding approval to the Pfizer shot,
the FDA is paving the way for more of them, and CHD is hoping to nip it in the bud before more Americans are told they must get injected in order to live.

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accurate as first reported
Of Course, CD*C Is Changing The Rules —The Falsity Of It All

C*DC study shows C**V rapid tests not as
accurate as first reported.

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They have been altering documentation from the past I took this website link and put it in the way back machine Let's see what it has to say.

NOW 8/03/21

From March 19, 2021

Interim Laboratory Biosafety Guidelines for Handling and Processing Specimens Associated with C*oronavi*rus Dise*ase 2019 (C*O*V)

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