3 years ago

The 1899 Philippine Congress Session Year 2021 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: FINAL READING and APPROVAL of a Resolution transmitting a Proposed Proclamation to be executed by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte Enforcing the Writ of the 1899 Philippine Constitution.
Join Zoom Meeting on August 28, 2021
at 8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon Manila Time.
Meeting ID: 368 663 4657
Passcode: congress11
Please refer to the numbered lines of the proposed resolution in your comments, thanks - 1899 Congress Secretariat
00001 Date of FINAL READING August 28, 2021
00002 RESOLUTION OF TRANSMITTAL TO THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT of the proposed proclamation enforcing the writ of the !899 Philippine Constitution.
00004 WHEREAS, the Filipino people has always been the repository of the nation's sovereignty and the welfare of the people is the supreme law and the voice of people is also the voice of God;
00005 WHEREAS, there is a need to remind President R. Duterte's of his duty to protect and promote the welfare of the people who are the possessors and ultimate wielders of power and sovereignty of the nation;
00006 WHEREAS there is a need to uproot Deeply Entrenched Government and Oligarchic Corruption as manifested in the way the utilities of water, power, tollways and communications are managed and controlled by private rent seeking intrerests;
00007 WHEREAS, the people are threatened by mandatory orders through the overreach of police power leading to "unconsented" forced Pandemic Vaccinations that are breaching existing individual constitutional protections;
00008 WHEREAS, the presence of millions of padded voters in the Comelec registries and their potential use in the coming 2022 elections represents a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER to the untrammeled exercise of the Filipino people's ELECTORAL SOVEREIGNTY;
00009 WHEREAS, only through the invocation of the 1899 constitution and calling for a shift of allegiance by Filipinos to the de jure 1899 Philippine Constitution. can we clear up the cheating and dishonesty of our election processes so that the sovereign will of the people can truly be reflected in genuinely mandated governance;
00010 WHEREAS, Amendments to the 1899 Constitution can then be crafted so as to be consistent with existing municipal laws and the letter and spirit of that Constitution as well , updating and retrofitting it to fit our current requirements;
00011 WHEREAS, by adopting a parliamentary setup as embodied in the 1899 Constitution, the practice of the head of government facing his/her member of parliament peers weekly, to explain transparently governance operations, WILL EXPOSE THE MAGGOTS OF CORRUPTION in our midst thus mitigating if not eliminating this cancer that permeates our ROTTEN PRESIDENTIAL form of governance;
00012 WHEREAS, the 1899 Constitution will not just be a transition Constitution but will be our actual Constitution henceforth just like the 1776 - 1789 Constitution of the US;
00013 WHEREAS, the 1987 Constitution has become a Constitution of Convenience, with its crucial provisions flaunted and ignored like Artikulo Dose in times of crisis as the current Pandemic shows, mutilated and illegally amended like the invention of 'constructive resignation' to justify the unlawful move to oust the legitimate ERAP Presidency, ignored blatantly and persistently as in the political dynasty injunctions that up to now has no enabling law decades after this Constitution's promulgation in 1987;
00014 WHEREAS, in fact, you as our President on many important occasions, challenged us all Filipinos and the Armed Forces of the Philippines, as to whether we were prepared to support you in a Declaration of a Revolutionary Government;
00015 WHEREAS, only by either your declaration of a transition to revolutionary governance or a similar action by the PROTECTORS of the PEOPLE, can we as a Nation impeach the flawed Presidential system that has been dominated by Oligarchic and Feudal influences and shift to Parliamentary and the 1899 Constitution;
00016 WHEREAS, otherwise, all our efforts now and the blood sweat and tears of our Forefathers would be in vain with the social and political malaise that would continue under the already broken 1987 Constitution without the necessary shift to the 1899 Constitution;
00017 WHEREAS, we under your leadership should not allow this historic opportunity and appointment with Destiny to slip through our fingers during these exigent times where bold and courageous choices and decisions are called for;
00018 WHEREAS, the transition to Parliamentarism is a necessary step for our deliverance elsewise we remain adrift in a sea of rudderless uncertainty, desperation, and destitution as a nation;
00019 WHEREAS, now we the people urgently stand with you to invoke your Constitutional Oath of Office and Duty to Redress these multifarious Grievances now confronting the nation;
00020 WHEREAS, you and the People are both Contractually bound to perform such respective duties to abide by the RULE OF LAW where "SALUS POPULI EST SUPREMA LEX";
00021 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, to REINSTATE THE WRIT of our de jure Philippine Constitution, promulgated on January 21, 1899 by CAPTAIN-GENERAL and COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF OF OUR ARMIES Emilio Aguinaldo AND for the same to be enforced by your Excellency Rodrigo Roa Duterte - President of the Philippines.
00022 RESOLVED FURTHER THAT, this assembly of CITIZENS affixing their signature to this document stand with you as our President in using your mandated power to redress our collective grievances by enforcing the WRIT of the 1899 Philippine Constitution as the ultimate organic law of the land;
00023 RESOLVED FURTHER THAT, President Rodrigo Duterte and/or the leadership of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, in their natural role as protectors of our people, ENSURE A PEACEFUL SHIFT of their allegiance from the broken de facto constitution of 1987 to the SUPREME AND SOVEREIGN 1899 Philippine Constitution ;
00024 RESOLVED FURTHER THAT, should President Duterte Shirk his Oath of Duty to address our call for the COLLECTIVE RELIEF OF OUR JUSTIFIED GRIEVANCES by ENFORCING THE WRIT of the 1899 PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION, then we the signatories to this document, in the alternative, will stand with the PROTECTORS of the PEOPLE to provide the RELIEF to our COLLECTIVE GRIEVANCES as NEEDED;
00025 RESOLVED FURTHER THAT, a DRAFT of the requested PROCLAMATION be presented as follows to the OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT and the same be adapted accordingly.
00027 Proclamation No. XX series of 2021 - A Proclamation Enforcing the WRIT of the 1899 PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION.
00028 I, Rodrigo Duterte y Roa, by circumstance and developments of events during the dormancy of the 1899 Constitution, who is now recognized by extant laws in the interregnum as President of the Philippines and Commander-in-Chief of its Armed Forces, acknowledges that the Assembly of Representatives of the nation in 1899 and President Emilio Aguinaldo y Famy , by virtue of sovereign powers vested in them , had decreed and sanctioned the political Constitution of the state done at Malolos, on the twenty-first of January in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-nine to be in force and orders all authorities, civil as well as military, of whatever class or rank, to keep it and cause it to be kept, complied with and executed in all its parts, because it is the sovereign will of the Filipino people.
00029 Guidance from this office will be issued in accordance with the appurtenant transitory provisions as sanctioned in this 1899 Constitution of the Republic.
00030 By the Powers vested in me as President of the Republic.
00031 Done in the city of Manila - Malacanang on the 30th of September 2021.
00032 Signed:
00033 Rodrigo Roa Duterte
00034 President of the Philippines
00036 RESOLVED FURTHERMORE THAT, this resolution calling for the enforcement of the 1899 Philippine Constitution as passed in the assembly of the 1899 Philippine Congress , in its 2021 session year, be circulated throughout the Philippines using ALL FORMS of MEDIA to collect signatures of approval and support from all Filipino citizens.
00037 So Help Us God…
00038 Done this __ day of August, 2021 by the 1899 Philippine Congress (session year 2021)
00040 Speaker of the 1899 Philippine Congress – 2021 session: BIENVENIDO LORQUE
00041 In Attendance :
00042 Signatures collected by WEB circulation -
00043 Signatures collected physically by Congress District.
Join Zoom Meeting on August 28, 2021 at 8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon Manila Time.
Meeting ID: 368 663 4657
Passcode: congress11

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