United States Government Corruption At An All Time High

3 years ago

Certain segments of United States government have employees that are taking steps to implement legislation to penalize USA citizen for following the United States constitution. Some portions of the government are try to shutdown the food supply chain using its own citizen's taxes against them. Congressional candidate DeAnna Lorraine speaks out about the constitutional infringement and violations that these lawmakers have taken to embezzle and waste taxes by using government "programs" disguised as environmental improvements. Some of these control measures include mandating farmers to burn their own crops or face fines, and not allowing citizens to take domestic and international flights unless they subject themselves to the "vaccine". Over 60% of US citizens have figured out that the experimental drug the FDA has approved to push to public under the illusion that it is a safe "vaccine" is not protecting people. Many of these people that have been injected are spreading the virus and creating variants of the virus. A huge amount of data and information from doctors of virology, immunology, and general physicians worldwide disagree with these politicians and organization like the FDA, CDC and WHO. Many globalists, politicians and organization have figured out a way to embezzle tax payer money by mandating vaccines regardless if they are safe or not. Globalists like Bill Gates, George Soros, and others are behind the seditious push to implement these control measures. It is clear that the people of the United States of America must join the global fight with other countries to take a stand to stop these corrupt individuals. It is clear these individuals are a hazard to public safety and are deliberately harming individuals worldwide.

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