Flood natural disaster cyclone, earthquake, avalanche hurricanes

3 years ago

Hello is welcome

Today you will discover a flood in eastern Germany.

Most flooding occurs when the volume of water in a river or stream exceeds the capacity of the bed. There is also flooding along lakes and maritime coastlines when the normal water level rises above the level of riparian lands.

Causes of land flooding
The direct overflow of a watercourse in its major bed, following episodes of heavy rainfall or the melting of winter snows (these are floods).

Causes of marine flooding
The high spring tide exceptional: at the equinox, when the astronomical conditions are favorable, the tidal coefficient can approach the maximum value of 120. It is then that the most important tides occur which, sometimes, flood coastal lands.

Floods in risk areas
When these different phenomena can occur in areas of human activity, we speak of areas at risk. The human and economic toll of a flood therefore depends both on mostly natural phenomena and on human settlement in high-risk areas (former marshes, coastlines, major stream beds, etc.).

see you soon, I hope

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