Put on the Whole Amour of God!

3 years ago

This scripture was dropped into my spirit a couple of days ago and so I thought I should create this simple video, as the need to put on the whole Armour of God every day, during these tremulous times in which we live in is so important. So, todays verse is Ephesians 6:10-18.

This another lesson and there will be more to come. I want to lay out a FULL FOUNDATION of FAITH for our young people so they actually GET Jesus... Although I do understand simple teachings will never bring a person to Christ, it can only show them the way... what our young people really need is a true encounter with God, a revelation and to be Born Again into the Spirit. This is what will hold our kids to the faith and tether them to the Father and to Christ our Redeemer. Pray for this ministry and pray for this true revelation to come to our children, the future leaders who will be doing our job in the earth...

I am a Children's Church Teacher (Sunday school ring any bells?) and I am developing some videos to teach young people about Foundations For Their Faith. I want to show kids the love of God and what He has done for us. I want to show them exactly what a Christian believes and why. If you are a Children's Church Teacher you are a special person and deserve any help you can get; so if you are, you can use these video's free of charge in your classes. I also have this available as a high resolution download, which may have a charge on it.

My favourite verse is...Exodus 15:11 Who is like Thee among the gods, O Jehovah? Who is like Thee—honourable in holiness—Fearful in praises—doing wonders?


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