Six steps to grow watermelon in a greenhouse

3 years ago

1. Cultivate strong seedlings and choose high-quality varieties that are resistant to disease and high temperature. Such as Zaojia 84-24 and other early spring watermelon seedlings using plug matrix. Choose 72-mesh plug. Implementation of greenhouses, ten arch sheds, ten mulching films, ten geothermal line insulation and seedling technology. Pay attention to check Miao situation. Temperature and humidity control. To prevent the formation of stiff seedlings or tall seedlings, spray 75% chlorothalonil WP 800 times liquid and 70% thiophanate methyl WP 800 times liquid at the right time. In order to prevent seedling diseases caused by low temperature and high humidity in early spring.

2. For planting, choose sandy soil with loose soil and good air permeability to build the border 10 days before planting. Build 2 borders per shed. Preheat the soil with a plastic film on the border surface and apply 2500 kilograms of decomposed chicken manure, 40 kilograms of potassium sulfate compound fertilizer, and 30 kilograms of diammonium phosphate per mu. In early March, choose sunny and good weather to climb the ground for cultivation . About 400 plants are planted per acre. Water enough slow seedling water after planting. Take double large sheds, ten arch sheds, ten plastic films and four films to cover.

3. Pruning and pollination adopt 3 vine pruning. When the main vine grows to about 40 cm. Keep the main vine and 2 strong side vines. 3 vines are evenly distributed. The second female flower of the main vine is selected for artificial pollination. Pollination is carried out from 8 to 10 o'clock in the morning on a sunny day. At the same time make a mark. The second squash melon is selected to stay 5-6 nodes after the second female flower. The third crop is naturally pollinated.

4. Fertilizer and water management The first stubble melon is generally fertilized 3 to 4 times. During the vine-stretching period, topdressing 15 kg of ternary compound fertilizer per acre is combined with watering when the melon grows to the size of an egg. Combined with watering and topdressing 20 kg of ternary compound fertilizer per mu, spray fertilizer 2 times on the leaf surface during the fruit expansion period. Use 0.2% ~ 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution after the first batch of melons are picked. 2 After the stubble of melons set fruit, apply 20 kg of compound fertilizer and 5 kg of potassium sulfate per acre. Fertilizer is applied every time a melon is harvested.

5. For the prevention and control of pests and diseases, damping-off at the seedling stage can be prevented by spraying 66.5% Pulique water solution 1000~l500 times liquid or 64% antiviral alum wettable powder with 400~500 times liquid. Vine blight can be prevented by spraying 70% thiophanate-methyl 800 times solution. Aphids can be controlled by spraying 20% ​​imidacloprid WP 1500 times. At the same time, it can prevent the spread of viral diseases.

6. The first stubble of melons are harvested at the right time and mature about 30 days after the fruit is set. According to the skin color, tendrils and pollination date, the harvest will be carried out in the morning. After the first stubble of melons are harvested, 2 to 3 melons are left per plant. The first stubble of melons is harvested every 1 month or so, and the average yield per mu is 2000 kg. The second crop is 1500 kg. Three crops of melons are 1,000 kilograms

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