Ep. 86 - Blindness, Growing up different and Blind jokes (with Gail Hamilton)

3 years ago

Here in this video I talk to Gail Hamilton about being blind; how she experiences movies; how she imagines politicians to look like; blind jokes; Helen Keller; spiritual choice before birth on disabilities - her belief; practising psychotherapy; Louis Braille and his reading system for the blind and how most of them follow a pattern except the W (because W isn't in the French language); Unified English Braille and what she thinks of it; 'turn voiceover on' trick on the iPhone; growing up knowing you're different; her worsening eye-sight in kindergarten; how she imagines some actors to look like; the Dead Sea; basketball; equality; different gifts that we all have; all being about love, gratitude and knowing that everything is possible; running into a wall; having a personal assistant; 9/11; healing; being part of the Unity Church; how she can judge character based on a person's voice and my attempt to stop recording at the end, blindfolded.

Gail's website: https://soaringintogreatness.com/

Her book
Soaring into Greatness: A Blind Woman's Vision to Live her Dreams and Fly' https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00PBS86RU/

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