God is My Defender & Refuge - 8.29.21

3 years ago

Pastor Charles shares from the book of Psalms chapter 59:9-11.

We apologize for the technical difficulties during the Facebook Live broadcast which we edit for Rumble and YouTube postings.

Some of the Pastors quotes from the message include:

-God is our refuge IN trouble not FROM trouble.
-Trouble is training for the purpose God has for you.
-Prepare your declaration BEFORE the battle you face.
-We focus on the obstacles in front of us instead of the Promises of God that are still yet to come.
-If you focus on the Promises of God, God gives you strength IN your struggle because you are focusing on Him!
-There are people waiting for you to manifest the presence of God in your struggle so they can walk in victory.
-Can you keep on doing what you are supposed to do until you are doing what you are supposed to do?

Contact Information:
Pastor: Charles Hinckley
Associate Pastor: Harry Meyer
Phone: 270-401-7473

Located at: 1804 Sam Steward Dr.
Radcliff, KY 40160

E-mail/Prayer Requests: gracefellowshippryreqst@gmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GraceFellowshipElizabethtown
YouTube: Grace Fellowship Elizabethtown
Rumble: GraceFellowship

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