#448 // MIGHTY MEN ARISE! (Live)

3 years ago

Original Air Date: 29.AUG.2020
4:00PM EST

#448 // MIGHTY MEN ARISE! (Live)
So many inconsistencies, obfuscations, injuries and treacherous acts in the news! We've been told of the Red "C" moment - and don't yet realize, we are in mid-passage right now - as those who've remained asleep to our present doom are waking to the undeniable truth that something very wicked is going on - even surrounding us - and threatens to destroy us all. It is precisely now, that our Faith matters most! Rise with us! Stand up - and call out wickedness wherever it is found - speak the Truth of the Lord in the face of pure evil - even run for office to deny these luciferian henchmen the slavemaster's whip they seek to wield. We must stand together now, more than ever! Join us!
WEBSITE ~ https://www.gooddog-usa.com

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