Beanie Feldstein Spills on What She Told Monica Lewinsky Before 'Impeachment' Filming.

3 years ago

Beanie Feldstein Spills on What She Told Monica Lewinsky Before 'Impeachment' Filming.
Actress Beanie Feldstein became Monica Lewinsky 's "bodyguard" during her extended research during the COVID lockdown.
The " Booksmart " star had more time to study the former White House intern, whose affair with Bill Clinton effectively ended his presidency, and found she wanted to protect her during her portrayal on new TV drama "Impeachment: American Crime Story ".
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"I had a year and a half to do my research on Monica...
and during that time I just became deeply protective of her and her story," she tells " Good Morning America ".
"I think so many people don't understand what she was really going through at that time because she was actively silenced by her immunity deal with the Office of Independent Counsel."

"Because she's also a producer on the project I've had the great fortune of getting to know her and before we started filming I just said to her...

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