Sleeping With the Enemy in Afghanistan

3 years ago

00:30 Kabul Airport: From Bad to Worse (10 minutes)

170 Afghans and 13 American servicemen were killed in the terrorist attack at the Kabul airport yesterday—hundreds more were wounded. How did the suicide bombers and armed gunmen so easily penetrate the Taliban checkpoints that surrounded the airport?

10:20 The Fall of America Was Prophesied (7 minutes)

Broken leaders, broken pride and strength spent in vain: This epitomizes America’s disastrous handling of Afghanistan and it’s part of the prophesied fall of America.

17:50 Biden’s Saigon (10 minutes)

“Joe Biden has blood on his hands, and his presidency will not recover,” wrote the Telegraph earlier today. Biden’s disastrous handling of the U.S. evacuation in Afghanistan has many pundits and politicians in Washington calling for his resignation.

27:25 Giving Gifts to the Taliban (8 minutes)

As part of the evacuation “plan,” the United States inexplicably gifted the Taliban with $85 billion worth of military equipment on the way out. Twenty years ago, American forces landed in Afghanistan to defeat the Taliban. In a few days, America will be gone and the Taliban will be much stronger and more dangerous than it was in 2001.

35:00 A Contrast of Leaders (10 minutes)

Following the carnage in Kabul yesterday, it took nearly eight hours before Joe Biden addressed the American people. During the address, he was soft-spoken and his voice hoarse. There were long pauses throughout. He looked like a broken man. It was a stark contrast to Donald Trump’s video address and lengthy interview on Fox News.

45:30 Bible Study: Confronting Evil (9 minutes)

In 1 Samuel 17, we read about the teenage David, filled with faith and courage, confronting a menacing giant. In a world full of godlessness and violence, we too need courage and faith to fight for God.

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