Why the Pandemic is a Masquerade

3 years ago

Dr. Tom Cowan:

“In the history of published science, medicine, and virology, there is not one example that you can take of a sick person or animal and show that that sick person or animal has the same pathogenic virus morphology in any bodily fluid. Whether it’s from the lungs or the snot or the blood or the cerebrospinal fluid. There is simply no case of that being done. In other words, if you take somebody with polio or measles, you cannot look at any of their fluids and find thousands, hundreds, millions of identical particles, same size, same shape, same genome; that has never been done.”

“All 58 governments agree, 15 different institutions like the CDC, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), and the Pasteur Institute, all agree with that. They say that is not how we find viruses. We cannot look in any fluid of any sick people and find identical particles that we would properly call viruses.

I would also point out that this is not because viruses, meaning particles that have a protein coat with a genetic core of that size, cannot be found. Because that’s simply not true. For decades, we’ve been able to find so-called bacteriophages with same size, same morphology. They have protein coat, genetic interior, and we can isolate them and purify them directly from bacterial cultures. Stefan (Lanka) found a so-called giant “virus” in sea algae exactly that way.”

“Exosomes can be found of the same size, same morphology, and same type of genetic material in exactly this way. You take them directly from a sick person, macerate, filter, ultra centrifuge, show the morphology, characterize the genome. And it’s simply not able to be done with any pathogenic virus. The other people who agree with that are virologists who say there isn’t enough virus from a sick person to actually find it in this way.”

Dr. Cowan then claimed that through Freedom of Information (FOI) request, they have requested the scientific papers describing “the isolation and purification and characterization of any SARS-CoV2 virus from any human being with so-called Covid-19” from “58 different government health agencies,” but none of those agencies provided the paper until now. Not only that, but according to him, they have also requested the same documents for HIV, zika, ebola, and measles and yet none of the institutions can provide these documents.

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