The Bible Doesn't Lie

3 years ago

A basic principle Jews and Christians rely upon is that every word in the Bible is the divine word of God and is absolutely true. God doesn't lie. If there would be a clear lie in the Bible we would walk away from our religion as being false.
In our generation, millions of Christians are recognizing clear and open lies in the New Testament and have left Christianity and joined the Noahide movement. We bring a few examples (of many) of these lies and strongly recommend reading Rabbi Singers work Let's get biblical that elaborates conclusively on each one.
Although the creators of these lies must have had some evil and corruption, and are being judged and punished by God for their lies, the mainstream of Christian followers are pure wonderful people innocently trusting that their Gospels are the word of God. Today's availability of clarification of truth offers opportunity to every truth seeker to walk away from lies and join the Noahide movement. The words of Zechariah (8:22-23) will soon be fulfilled and all the nations of the world will come to the righteous remnant of Torah scholars to share the light of truth about our close loving relationship with God.
In God's infinite wisdom and kindness He has recently orchestrated examples of clear and open lies in current events. There are some evil and corrupt forces perpetuating these lies and causing much pain and suffering. They will be judged and punished for crimes against humanity. The multitudes of mankind however are following these falsehoods with pure belief in the political media gospel. They are innocently participating in mass destruction. We give two examples of this. 1) The continuation of all the consequences of the pandemic even though there is a cure and prevention. 2) The purposeful arousal towards hatred and racism in the cases of police interactions with African Americans.
These lies are being exposed. We should all take a wake up call from this and start introspection of our other gospels of life that we accepted as absolute truth.
May we see the salvation and redemption of mankind with the open revaluation of God's glory (through an anointed spiritual leader) speedily in our days. .

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