[新世界秩序]菁英想利用生化逆苗和大蕭條,全球制度瓦解後 [大重置], 聖經預言全球大重置Pandemic Vaccine Opportunity For GREAT RESET-in Bible Prophecy

3 years ago

[新世界秩序]菁英想利用新冠生化逆苗和經濟大蕭條,促使全球制度瓦解後展開 [大重置/大重啟], 全球統一霸權,聖經預言中的,新世界秩序 全球大重置 P@ndem!c provided an Opportunity For GREAT RESET= New W0rld 0rder in Bible Prophecy?聖經預了末世政府的控制,將會落入敵基督者的極權主義手中!Control of the coming Endtimes Government will be consolidated into the totalitarian hands of the Antichrist.
全球接種逆苗後,世界會回復到從前一樣正常嗎?稗爾蓋茲與全球菁英都說 :「不會!」稗爾蓋茲 (世衛最大金主)(全球逆苗總司令)說: 「直到我們幾乎向全球人口打逆苗,即使全世界接種了,我們仍不能回復到正常。因為我們不知道逆苗是否有效,不知道逆苗可否制止死亡,不知道逆苗可否避免人傳人。」
「世界經濟論壇」巨富菁英: 要求在瘟疫後,全球各國展開 「大重置」! 世界經濟論壇的發起人,克勞斯·施瓦布 Klaus Schwab 說: 「不接種逆苗的人,會成為人類的威脅!」「 世界不會回復正常!」必須展開「大重置」GREAT RESET ! (新世界秩序 New World Order) 「今天是推動全球一體化的開端, 全球大重置背後聯結強大力量,人人都會假設,瘟疫後會回復到從前一樣,以為可以回到以前繁榮安定的世界,幻想一切可以回復到正常那樣,幻想回到以前舊有世界的生活,但是幻想回復正常,就好比一本小說,這是不會發生的!一句到尾,我們需要 全球 大重置! (重新設置世界) 最終目標,是要實現 第四次「工業革命」,即是 我們天生身體、大自然、與生物數碼識別身份證的融合!現在是歷史性時刻. 不僅要對抗嚴重的病毒,也要重新塑造我們的系統!」
世界經濟論壇 2030年 GREAT RESET [大重置/大重啟] 預料的多件世界大事:
.你會一無所有 但你會很快樂 (意味你的房產汽車財產都會被充公後再任由當權者分配?)
.世界會被數個國家統治 (意味新世界 秩序 敵基督的霸權成形)
.數十億人會因為,氣候變化而流離失所 (這意味了大量人口滅絕)
.科學家成功研究如何在太空中保持健康,尋找外星生命之旅的開始? (墮落天使魔鬼被摔在地上(啟12:4)或從無底坑上來後(啟9:11),假扮外星人)
.西方價值觀,受到最終考驗 (意味言論自由被打遏)
.不能忘記 ,支撐和制衡我們的民主 (意味民主被極權統治取締)
聖經預言中的,新世界秩序 全球大重置
GREAT RESET, New World Order in Bible Prophecy
Control of the coming Endtime government will be consolidated into the totalitarian hands of the Antichrist.
The dragon, which is the devil, gives this world governmental system its seat, power, and great authority, Revelation 13 : 2
全地的人都希奇跟從那獸, 又拜那龍 :因為牠將自己的權柄給了獸…啟示錄 13:3-4
“And all the world wondered after the beast.”Revelation 13 : 3-4
又任憑牠與聖徒爭戰,並且得勝;也把權柄賜給牠,制伏各族、各民、各方、各國。 凡住在地上、名字從創世以來沒有記在被殺之羔羊生命冊上的人,都要拜牠。啟示錄 13:7-8
We will all feel the oppression of this world government structure because it is satanically inspired, and it is forming right now.Revelation 13:7-8 states that power will be
given to the Antichrist over “all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.”
你所看見的那十角就是十王;他們還沒有得國,但他們一時之間,要和獸同得權柄,與王一樣。 他們同心合意將自己的能力、權柄給那獸。
啟示錄 17:12-13
And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. Revelation 17:12-13
第四獸就是世上必有的第四國,與一切國大不相同,必吞吃全地,並且踐踏嚼碎⋯聖民必交付他手一載、二載、半載。但以理書 7:23-25
A world governmental system ruled by the Antichrist(s), “The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.” Daniel 7:23-25
Will the world be back to normal again even after the whole world is v@xxinated? B' ill G@tes (WHO's largest donator and GAVI - Largest V@xxines' advocater) said : NO!
“Until we get almost everybody v@xxinated, Globally, We'll still won't be fully back to normal. We don't know if these v@xxines will work. We don't know if they'll work to avoid DEATH. We don't know if they'll work to avoid TRANSMISSION.
World Economic Forum Globalist Klauu Schwab declares : Unv@xxinated people to be a threat to humnanity. He said, "Today is the beginning of Global mobilization efforts. To ally all forces behind this Great Reset initiative, We're just going back, So people assume, And everything will be normal again to the good old world, which we had. In how we're used to normal, the old fashion. This is, let say, fiction! It will not happen! In short, we need a GREAT RESET!" "It's at the end, the Fourth Industrial Revolution...It's a fusion of our physical, our natural, and our biological identities.Now is historical moments of time. Not only to fight severe virus, but to shape our system!" "It's a fusion of our physical, our natural, and our biological identities."
逆天而行的逆苗必看專輯 :

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