EXCLUSIVE: Michael Brewer on Rescue Efforts Airlifting Americans Out of Afghanistan | TEASER

3 years ago

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“He was being actively hunted by the Taliban… They had hacked his phone.”

As escape from Afghanistan becomes more perilous, groups of ex-Special Forces operators are working together with people on the ground in Kabul to rescue Americans and their Afghan allies and airlift them to safety. “We're tracking over 3000 individuals now,” says Michael Brewer, a U.S. Army Special Operations veteran and a seasoned hand in counterterrorism intelligence.

He and his team, a loose collection of interested parties known as Project Archangel, are working around the clock to rescue as many as they can. More information can be found at Project Afghan Relief Fund: http://parf.us.

#Afghanistan #KabulAirport #Taliban

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EXCLUSIVE: Ex-Special Forces Michael Brewer on Heroic Rescue Efforts Airlifting Americans, Afghans Out of Afghanistan

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