PRESCRIBES McCullough Protocol early treatment 99.99% survival August 2021

3 years ago

~50,000 free doctor visits delivered
~25,000 with acute C19 prescribed
McCullough Protocol for FREE early treatment yields 99.99% survival rate Boom! You can SHUT UP right now all you cowardly FAL$i Doctor$ sitting on the SIDELINES refusing to treat covid patients bc you are AFRAID YOU might catch covid. And so when your patients called you sick with covid you told them and still tell them NOT to come see you? You tell them there is NO TREATMENT? (liar), and to go to the ER if they're dying! What kind of horrible Fal$i Doctor are you? So you already proved to your patients that you're a SELFISH COWARD & then you tell them to take experimental POI$ON, everyone follows Dr. Death Fal$i's policies for a year and gives US the highest covid death toll on the planet and now you want to double down on those same idiotic policies we all know do NOT work like masks, lockdowns, social distancing and now you wonder WHY nobody wants to
listen to you anymore? Lol well America is done listening to you greedy arrogant selfish cowardly LO$ER$ so you should all either TURN IN YOUR MEDICAL LICENSES or at least admit you were all WRONG and start delivering the McCullough Protocol to your patients NOW~ Stop following Dr. Death Fal$i and the greedy Fal$i $cience that is only designed to make billionaires $$$ while culling the human herd.
Ben Marble, M.D.
PS The genetic HAXXEEN$ need to be banned globally asap.

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