The COVID Vax - Hardwiring humans for the coming EMF Blockchain Quantum Financial System

3 years ago

The graphene oxide in the COVID jabs, as well as the nanoscale components being dispersed via chemtrails, create secondary electro-magnetic circuits that piggy-back onto the body's central nervous system. These covert physiological modifications act as foundational support for synthetic vaccine components and the coming bio-cyber CBDC financial apps that are designed to interact with human DNA.

Nanobot encapsulating neuron...

Magnetism after vaccination...

Magnetic fields provide a new way to communicate wirelessly to and from the human body...

“DARPA is preparing for a future in which a combination of unmanned systems, artificial intelligence, and cyber operations may cause conflicts to play out on timelines that are too short for humans to effectively manage with current technology alone,” said Al Emondi, the N3 program manager. “By creating a more accessible brain-machine interface that doesn’t require surgery to use, DARPA could deliver tools that allow mission commanders to remain meaningfully involved in dynamic operations that unfold at rapid speed.”

We are living a unique moment in the history of this planet. Despite the fact that most of its inhabitants do not have the slightest notion of what is happening, an occult group is invisibly seeking to act with a technology still unknown to the great masses. Their sinister objective is the marking, registering, and controlling of all individuals in society.

Graphene - A biocompatible implant...

Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Graphene Oxide Poison in COVID 'Vaccine'...

Stanford physicists discover new quantum use for graphene oxide,, ie, magnetism...

The billionaires at the World Economic Forum really like graphene oxide...

There is no virus. The graphene oxide in the vaccines and the EMF's from 5G are creating electro-smog in the body which is necessitating the production of exosomes. The 'organisms' that scientists have been calling viruses are actually exosomes. It is known that EMF's cause severe tissue damage. The body creates exosomes to remove this damaged tissue.

Millimeter waves can easily penetrate the nucleus of a cell. The DNA, acting as an inductor, reacts to the 5G waves by producing an abnormal electro-magnetic field - which is known in industry circles as EMF smog. The immune system deals with the electro-magnetic smog by sending exosomes to the affected areas to remove damaged cells - and these exosomes are later diagnosed as a virus using the PCR test. Finally, the mRNA vaccine is administered to treat the misdiagnosed virus and this causes the premature death of the patient.

Dr Andrew Kaufman - Exosomes...

Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D. discusses the link between viral epidemics and the development of electro-magnetic technologies going back to the 1918 'Spanish Flu epidemic';ΚΟΡΩΝΟΪΟΣ-ΚΑΙ-5G--Ομιλία-του-Dr.-Thomas-Cowan-που-έγινε-στην-“Health-And-Human-Rights-Summit”-στην-T:e?r=DGkLp8wHymQsGq3i2kx7DJRKKmCesvUd

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