Speak Truth To Power Dawg

3 years ago

Stuart Scheller laid our command and control issues at our feet. He did what so many didn't but probably should have. We the public are responsible for what happens in our military and government in general. He as he later said was justifiable stripped of his command. We need to make sure that wasn't in vain. There is a certain Cindy B that needs the same treatment for threatening the American public in a Tik Tok video. Let's see if they can be consistent at the top and then respond accordingly.

This is the video I did regarding John Paul Vann. It was an experience that touched me to my core. https://rumble.com/vi1f3l-john-paul-vann-he-gave-it-all.html

There are nine videos I did on youtube regarding this and in this raw state. I was just talking and remembering. These are from about two years ago. As you can tell I was just getting started and it shows. I processed the chroma key prior to doing the finished video and that created the invisible parts of my shirt and the audio was heinous.

This was part 1 of the extra raw discussion it is about the battle of Ap Bac. https://rumble.com/vhth0p-john-paul-vann-part-1.html

This was part 2 of the raw discussion called two battlefields one war.

This was part 3 The Cat With Nine Lives

This was part 4 The Day I've Never Forgotten https://rumble.com/vhu1wx-john-paul-vann-part-4-the-day-ive-never-forgotten.html

This was part 5 A Witness To Power Duty And Honor https://rumble.com/vhu7ip-john-paul-vann-part-5-a-witness-to-power-duty-and-honor.html

This was part 6 In From The Shadows https://rumble.com/vhv739-john-paul-vann-part-6-in-from-the-shadows.html

This was part 7 Interesting Connectivity https://rumble.com/vijpe1-john-paull-vann-part-7-interesting-connectivity.html

This was part 8 Of Buzzards And Books https://rumble.com/vhviix-john-paul-vann-part-8-of-buzzards-and-books.html

This was part 9 Thank you https://rumble.com/vhwdob-john-paul-vann-part-9-thank-you.html

This is where the books I haven't even tried to sell until now currently reside.

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