Ep 023: Natural Immunity Stronger Than Vaccine Alone

3 years ago

A large well-run study from Israel confirms that people with a prior SARS2 infection have vastly stronger immunity to both subsequent infection as well as hospitalization as compared to people who had received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine (but had not had prior exposure).

A third group which had both prior infection and a single jab did somewhat better than either of the other two groups.

This argues conclusively that prior infection can be and should be a basis for vaccine exemption. As always, if the data changes, so will we.

But for sure, we can say that it’s not as simple as being either vaxxed or unvaxxed. There’s a third group in the mix and that’s people who have already had a SARS2 infection and recovered. They are a far safer group than the vaxxed in that they don’t get reinfected as much as the vaxxed, and they don’t go to the hospital nearly as often.
So the hyperbolic vaxxed crowd calling for the unvaxxed to suffer, or pay more, or even – in some grotesque examples – suffer and die is entirely misplaced, inappropriate, and vile.

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